■■ サステイナビリティ学グローバルリーダー養成大学院プログラム
■■■ グローバルリーダー養成大学院プログラム
■■■■ 小貫元治准教授
先日新領域各棟では避難訓練がありましたが、皆さんは避難訓練のとき、何を手にもって「避難」していますか?財布などの貴重品は持っていくと思いますが、ギリギリまで仕事を続け、訓練後すぐに元やっていた仕事に戻れるように、PCは立ち上げたままにしたりしていませんか? (火災避難訓練は、それはそれでいいんですけど。)
アッという間に柏キャンパス北側に出来ていて驚いた「東京大学 丸和 柏FUSIONフィールド」のラグビー場。(避難場所には困らない、といったら怒られる?)
An evacuation drill was held for each building in the GSFS days before. What did you bring with you while evacuating during the drill? You may have brought the wallet and other valuables with you, but didn’t you leave your PC on the desk for returning to work as soon as the drill was over?
I was in the Environmental Studies Building, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred about 11 years ago. After the shaking finished, I saw people going down the stairs, and I heard people were saying “it seems better to evacuate outside the building,” and so did I. At that time, all I had was a mobile phone. My PC was left behind, and my wallet and bag were still in my room. It was the largest earthquake I had experienced in my life, but fortunately the building seemed to be safe, and I thought it was an evacuation just in case, like the usual (fire) drill, and I would be back soon. However, during the aftershock, while waiting in front of the Environmental Studies Building, I realized that I had no idea who was instructing this evacuation and when and by whom it would be cancelled. Nowadays, I know that people will get permission to re-enter the building after confirming its safety by expertise who can diagnose the risk of a building, but at that time I did not even know the process, and I couldn’t just leave my wallet and PC in the office for home. I remember I started wondering, “Should I just sneak into the building from the backside?”
When the flames of a fire are approaching or you are about to get caught in the smoke, the top priority is to escape without worrying about the stuffs. However, in the case of evacuation outside the building after the earthquake (this case is 3.11 in the Environmental Studies Building), I think it will be better to evacuate with the necessary items, which we must pack compactly and quickly. (It’s about saying, ” put the emergency carry-out bag in a place where it can be easily taken out.”) After all, until 3.11, I had joined several trainings just as training events, and I couldn’t even distinguish the difference between evacuation for fire and evacuation for earthquake. Maybe I also had such false belief that I can return to the building immediately after evacuation.
An annual evacuation reminds me of the above-mentioned mistake of mine. There are various possible scenarios even for one fire and one earthquake. I think it will be better for you to imagine various situations while in the drill.
I was surprised that it was built on the north side of the Kashiwa campus
“The University of Tokyo Maruwa Kashiwa FUSION Field” Rugby field.
(Will you be angry if I say we don’t have a problem with the evacuation site?)