創域会 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科


English follows.


創域会会員 各位


◇  3月のコラムは
◇◇ 環境システム学専攻
◇◇ ◇ LIU Jiaqi助教です

Artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT has been a trending topic these days. In this blog, I’d like to share an interesting field of AI: AI art.

Known as generative art, it combines the power of machine learning algorithms with the creativity of human artists to produce stunning and unique works of art. Some of the most exciting AI art pieces are created by training machine learning algorithms on large datasets of images, such as paintings or photographs. These algorithms can generate new images that are inspired by the original dataset but are entirely unique.
Other approaches involve using algorithms to manipulate existing images or videos in real-time, creating interactive and dynamic works of art. For example, see below the figure created by Midjourney that turns text-based prompts into images.
One of the benefits of AI art is the ability to generate large volumes of unique and varied images quickly and easily. This is especially useful for artists who need to create a large number of images for a project or exhibition. Additionally, AI art allows artists to explore new styles and techniques that they may not have considered using traditional methods. However, some critics argue that AI art may lack the emotional depth and authenticity of traditional art forms, as it is created using algorithms rather than the human experience.
Additionally, some are concerned about the role of AI in the creative process and the potential for technology to replace human artists. As we continue to integrate technology into our lives, it is important to consider the impact of these advancements on our creativity and expression. Despite these concerns, AI art is an exciting and rapidly growing field that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of art. From stunning generative art pieces to interactive installations, AI art offers a new way of creating and experiencing art that is both innovative and thought-provoking. The emergence of AI art is a fascinating and relevant topic that is worth exploring.
Whether for your research, work, or daily life, AI tools may offer a new world of possibilities to explore and enjoy.
http://souiki-kai.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/school-floating-300×300.png ( An image created by Midjourney)




You can see the photos here ↓

リレーコラム バックナンバーはこちらでお読みになれます。






創域会学生部主催 スポーツ大会開催報告





3 月20 日(月) 13:00-16:00 に、柏キャンパスでイースターエッグハントを開催します!
チームで協力して、環境棟2 階の屋外庭園に隠された卵を探します。

参加を希望する方は,以下のGoogle form に必要事項を記入の上ご応募ください!
応募締切は3 月13 日(月)正午、お申込みが定員になり次第締め切らせていただきます。

当日参加はできません。 あらかじめ応募の上ご参加ください。

開催日時:2023 年3 月20 日(月) 13 時〜16 時ごろまで
集合場所:柏キャンパス 環境棟1 階 正面玄関
参加人数:1 人~5 人。ただし、5 人一組のチームで行うため、4 人以下で参加の場合は他

お問いあわせは創域会学生部 souiki-kai-gakuseibu@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp までどうぞ。


1. 新領域創成科学研究科からのニュース

(a) 熱流注入で磁気を観る ―簡易的・高分解能な磁気イメージング新手法―

(b) 地球全体に分布するロドプシン保有細菌の新たな光エネルギー獲得戦略 ― キサントフィルを用いた集光アンテナの発見 ―

(c) カーボンニュートラルに向けた家庭エネルギーシステムを提案

(d) 魚類の生態・進化・環境DNA研究を加速するデータプラットフォーム―「MitoFish Suite」の機能強化

(e) 植物の器官再生を制御する酵素を発見ータンパク質の修飾を除去することで器官再生の遺伝子を制御するー

(f) 熱流注入で磁気を観る ―簡易的・高分解能な磁気イメージング新手法―

(g) 人間環境学専攻の西本昂生氏、吉武宏特任助教、小竹元基准教授らがHUCAPP 2023にてBest Poster Awardを受賞

(h) 物質系専攻の芝内孝禎教授がアメリカ物理学会の卓越した査読者(Outstanding Referee)に選出


(a) 院新領域創成科学研究科先端エネルギー工学専攻藤本・清水・藤田研究室 特任助教

3. 新領域関連URL

(a) 東京大学柏キャンパス

(b) 新領域創成科学研究科

(c) 東京大学柏図書館

(d) 東大柏キャンパス-TX柏の葉キャンパス駅

◆創域会ホームページ Souiki-kai website
◆UTokyo Alumni

(a) 本ニュースマガジンで、ニュースを流したい
(b) 創域会に入会希望の方(新領域創成科学研究

【 Souiki-kai News Magazine English Version is translated by students hired by On-Campus Job project.  】

Souiki-kai members,

Hello this is Souiki-kai office.
The Kashiwa Campus is home to laboratories in a variety of fields. It is interesting to know what kind of research is being conducted in each laboratory. You could catch a glimpse of the research being conducted at each laboratory on social media (Instagram and twitter), monitored by the Public Relations Office. Please take a look at it.

◇  March Issue
◇◇ Department of Environmental Systems
◇◇ ◇ Message from Assistant Professor Liu Jiaqi

Artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT has been a trending topic these days. In this blog, I’d like to share an interesting field of AI: AI art.

Known as generative art, it combines the power of machine learning algorithms with the creativity of human artists to produce stunning and unique works of art. Some of the most exciting AI art pieces are created by training machine learning algorithms on large datasets of images, such as paintings or photographs. These algorithms can generate new images that are inspired by the original dataset but are entirely unique.

Other approaches involve using algorithms to manipulate existing images or videos in real-time, creating interactive and dynamic works of art. For example, see below the figure* created by Midjourney that turns text-based prompts into images.

One of the benefits of AI art is the ability to generate large volumes of unique and varied images quickly and easily. This is especially useful for artists who need to create a large number of images for a project or exhibition. Additionally, AI art allows artists to explore new styles and techniques that they may not have considered using traditional methods. However, some critics argue that AI art may lack the emotional depth and authenticity of traditional art forms, as it is created using algorithms rather than the human experience.

Additionally, some are concerned about the role of AI in the creative process and the potential for technology to replace human artists. As we continue to integrate technology into our lives, it is important to consider the impact of these advancements on our creativity and expression. Despite these concerns, AI art is an exciting and rapidly growing field that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of art. From stunning generative art pieces to interactive installations, AI art offers a new way of creating and experiencing art that is both innovative and thought-provoking. The emergence of AI art is a fascinating and relevant topic that is worth exploring.
Whether for your research, work, or daily life, AI tools may offer a new world of possibilities to explore and enjoy.

*An image created by Midjourey
http://souiki-kai.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/school-floating-300×300.png ( An image created by Midjourney)


The next column would be written by the Department of Human and Engineered Environmental Studies.


Recent photos of Kashiwanoha ↓
You can see the photos here ↓

To read the previous columns ↓


Report of the Sports Event hosted by the Souiki-kai Student Association

On Monday, February 20, we rented a rugby field and held a sports event. Under the mild spring sun, all participants had a relaxing time together exercising. The winners were the members of Kikuchi Laboratory, Department of Advanced Biosciences. You can see the photos of the competition on the Souiki-kai Photo Corner as well as on the Instagram of the Frontier Science Public Relations Office.


【Souiki-kai Student Association】
Kashiwa Campus Easter Egg Hunt – Participants Wanted!

Dear everyone at Kashiwa Campus
Hello, this is Souiki-kai Student Association,
It is getting warmer and warmer here at Kashiwa Campus, and we can feel the arrival of spring. And speaking of Spring, Easter is coming!

On Monday, March 20, from 13:00-16:00, we will hold an Easter Egg Hunt at Kashiwa Campus! Teams will work together to find eggs hidden in the outdoor garden on the 2nd floor of the Environment Building. The top team may win a prize!

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the Google form below to apply!
The application deadline is Monday, March 13th at noon, and will be closed as soon as we reach the capacity.
However, you cannot participate without application. Please apply in advance to participate.

Date and time: Monday, March 20, 2023, from 13:00 to 16:00
Meeting place: Kashiwa campus environment building 1st floor main entrance.
Participation fee: Free
What to bring: rain gear in case of rain
Number of participants: 1 to 5 people. However, since it will be done in teams of 5 people, if you participate with 4 people or less, it will be a joint team with other participants.
We are looking forward to your application!
For inquiries, please contact Souiki-kai Student Association


GOGATSUSAI Call for Individual Supporters

The University of Tokyo GOGATSUSAI Committee is seeking individual supporting members. For more information, please see here.

If you would like to offer a donation, please register using this form.


1. News from the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

(a)   Phototrophy by antenna-containing rhodopsin pumps in aquatic environments

(b)   Histone deacetylation regulates de novo shoot regeneration

2. Related URL

(a) The university of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus


(c) The university of Tokyo Kashiwa Library

(d) Kashiwa Campus – TX Kashiwa no ha Campus Station
Suttle Bus operation time schedule 2017/04/01~2022/03/31

◆ Souiki-kai website

◆UTokyo Alumni
https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/alumni/tft/index.html【From Souiki-kai Secretariat】
(a) If you are an alumni who wants to broadcast the news in this news magazine, please contact the secretariat for details. In that case, please sending emails from the address registered in the Souiki-kai mailing list for verification of your identity.
(b) Those who wish to join the Souiki-kai (who were enrolled in GSFS but had not yet joined) should send an email with their name, year of graduation, major, and address to the secretariat for application.

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東京大学新領域創成科学研究科同窓会 「創域会」事務局
〒277-8561 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5 基盤棟1F 教務チーム内
T E L :04-7136-5570(内線65570)
F A X :04-7136-4010(内線64010)
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