創域会 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科
創域会会員 各位


世界が不穏な空気に包まれた時はBurt BacharachのWhat the world needs now is loveを聞きます。


◇ 3月のコラムは
◇◇   人間環境学専攻
◇◇◇  蜂須賀知理特任講師 です








(参考:一般社団法人 日本サーフィン連盟、公益財団法人 笹川スポーツ財団、一般社団法人 日本スケートボーディング連盟、SK8Boarders、日本スノーボード協会 各HP)

















You can see the photos here ↓


リレーコラム バックナンバーはこちらでお読みになれます。




1. 新領域創成科学研究科からのニュース


(a) 講演会「交通システムの将来」開催のお知らせ
(b) 公開シンポジウム「人生100年を見据えるエイジングデザイン」開催のお知らせ


(c) 巧みな分子設計でn型ポリマー半導体の移動度を従来の5倍以上に向上
– プリンテッドデバイスの高性能化によりIoT、低炭素社会実現に貢献 –


(d) 蛍光タンパク質の蛍光強度を維持したまま組織・器官を透明化できる 動植物共通の透明化法開発に成功


(e) 東京大学・武蔵野大学・住友不動産「新築そっくりさん」 既存住宅改修における環境評価手法確立へ 産学連携の共同研究を開始
(f) スプレーで植物を改変


- 簡便な非遺伝子組換え植物改変法の開発 -
(g) メディカル情報生命専攻・病態医療科学分野(内丸・中野研究室)がHTLV-1ウイルスタンパク質Rexの宿主T細胞における新規機能を報告




(a) 新領域創成科学研究科メディカル情報生命専攻森下研究室 学術専門職員(短時間勤務)
(b) 新領域創成科学研究科メディカル情報生命専攻森下研究室 特定有期雇用学術専門職員
(c) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科 人間環境学専攻 割澤研究室 特任専門職員


(d) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科先端エネルギー工学専攻 藤本研究室 特任助教


(e) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科先端生命科学専攻人類進化システム分野河村研究室 特任研究員(特定短時間)


(f) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科先端エネルギー工学専攻 藤本研究室 特任研究員


(g) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科先端エネルギー工学専攻 藤本研究室 特定有期学術専門職

3. 新領域関連URL

(a) 東京大学柏キャンパス

(b) 新領域創成科学研究科

(c) 東京大学柏図書館

(d) 東大柏キャンパス-TX柏の葉キャンパス駅
シャトルバス運行案内 2017/04/01~2022/03/31


◆創域会ホームページ Souiki-kai website


◆UTokyo Alumni


(a) 本ニュースマガジンで、ニュースを流したい
(b) 創域会に入会希望の方(新領域創成科学研究


【 Souiki-kai News Magazine English Version is translated by students hired by On-Campus Job project.  】

Souiki-kai is the alumni association of GSFS and aims to encourage

active exchange among the students and alumni.
To all members of the Souiki-kai


Hello, this is the Secretariat of Souiki-kai. I listen to “What the world needs now is love” by Burt Bacharach when the world is surrounded by an unstable atmosphere. If you search in any music subscription app, you will find an incredible number of cover versions, including the Japanese version. When I compared them, I noticed that I am more conservative than I thought.


◇ The column for March is
◇◇ Department of Human and Environment Studies
◇◇◇ Hachisuka Satori, specially appointed lecturer


Olympic and Paralympic Year


Finally, the opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Paralympics is held in Beijing. Although I have complicated feeling considering the rare situation that “both summer and winter Olympics and Paralympics are held within the same year”, I am excited about the opening of the festival at the end of this season.


At the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics held last summer, I brought out the decorative globe in front of the TV with my children, and turned it around when the athletes entered the stadium, which made me think about each country. I was surprised at how big the world was and how narrow my knowledge was, but the smiles of the players through the masks made me feel energetic.


At this summer and winter Olympics and Paralympics, I was fascinated by the sports that were newly added to the competitions, in which the younger generation played an active role. Above all, I was very interested in surfing, skateboarding, and snowboarding because of the medal rush. I have never experienced any of these sports, but looking at the history of each sport, it seems that the history of surfing is the oldest. There was a time when skateboarding was called “roller surfing” and snowboarding was called “snow surfing.”
(Reference: Nippon Surfing Association, Sasakawa Sports Foundation, Japan Skateboarding Association, SK8Boarders, and Japan Snowboarding Association Homepages)


Looking at the history of surfing, we see the name of Duke Kahanamoku many times as the father of modern surfing. I was only aware that it was a statue standing on Waikiki Beach in Hawaii, but when I looked it up this time, I found out that Duke Kahanamoku was also an Olympian. Surprisingly, he had made three Olympic appearances, won three gold medals and two silver medals. Moreover, there was a freestyle swimming race. As a freestyle swimming method, he raised his face from the surface of the water and stroke with both arms, like paddling for surfing.


It has been 109 years since his first Olympic appearance. How is he feeling seeing that in this era, surfing became an additional Olympic event?


Now, while hoping that the day that I can travel the world as before will come as soon as possible, I will clean up the globe for the opening ceremony of the Winter Paralympics.


Click here if you want to feel like a holiday vibe
↓ ↓




Relay column, next time is the Department of Social, Cultural and Environmental Studies.

Click here for the latest photo what Kashiwanoha looks like↓

Click here for the back numbers↓


Report of the 12th Career Path Seminar hosted by the Souiki-kai


A career path seminar was hosted by the Souiki-kai via zoom from 15:00 on February 14 th.
The first half was the latest job-hunting information from マイナビ (Mainabi) instructor, and
an annual roundtable discussion with M2 students, who had decided to get a job, was held in
the second half.


The participation of international students was also noticeable, showing a high interest of
employment in Japan.




1. News from GSFS
(a) Non-transgenic Gene Modulation via Spray Delivery of Nucleic Acid/Peptide Complexes
into Plant Nuclei and Chloroplasts


3. Links related to Frontier Sciences

a)  Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

b)  Kashiwa Library, The University of Tokyo

c) University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus-TX Kashiwaha Campus Station
Shuttle Bus Operation Information 2017/04 / 01-2022 / 03/31


◆Souiki-kai HP

◆UTokyo Alumni

【From Souiki-kai Secretariat】
a. If an Alumnus wants to broadcast news in Souiki-kai news magazine, please write the news and send it to the secretariat. Please use the mail you registered for the Sokaikai mailing list to verify your identity.
b. Those who wish to join the Souiki-kai (those who were enrolled in GSFS and have not yet joined),
please apply to the Souiki-kai Secretariat by sending your name, year of completion, major, and address by email.


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