創域会 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科


創域会会員 各位


◇ 7月のコラムは
◇◇   物質系専攻
◇◇◇   糟谷直孝助教です







リレーコラム、次回は先端エネルギー工学専攻 田辺博士准教授です。




You can see the photos here ↓


リレーコラム バックナンバーはこちらでお読みになれます。





創域会学生部の他、柏門剣道部、柏の葉サイエンスエデュケーションラボ、物性研野球部、柏バイブルディスカッション会, 英語ディスカッションクラブの6団体が参加し、
30 人程の学生が集まりました。




1. 新領域創成科学研究科からのニュース






(c) 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科と小野測器「電気自動車の振動計測制御に関する社会連携講座」 を新たに設置


(d)異なる分子軌道が混じり合うことで高い電荷輸送能を発現 ~高性能有機半導体の開発に新たな分子指針を提示~


2. 新領域関連URL

(a) 東京大学柏キャンパス

(b) 新領域創成科学研究科

(c) 東京大学柏図書館

(d) 東大柏キャンパス-TX柏の葉キャンパス駅
シャトルバス運行案内 2017/04/01~2022/03/31

◆創域会ホームページ Souiki-kai website


◆UTokyo Alumni

(a) 本ニュースマガジンで、ニュースを流したい
(b) 創域会に入会希望の方(新領域創成科学研究


【 Souiki-kai News Magazine English Version is translated by students hired by On-Campus Job project.  】



To all members of Souiki-kai,



This is the Souiki-kai Office.

The rainy season has ended with an unusually fast speed, and the growth of my green curtain doesn’t catch it at all.


◇ July Issue

◇◇ Department of Advanced Materials Science

◇◇◇ Message from assistant professor Naotaka Kasuya



I read a couple of previous columns when being asked to write the regular column for this month. Everyone’s columns were so well-written as if they were professional writers, and I learnt a lot of extraordinary things I encounter in my daily life. For me, my writing is not as mastery, and I also may not have as much of an amazing story to tell. Put it simply, I do not have a special topic in mind. As described by the name ‘Kashiwa Campus’, there isn’t much around the area, and even in my free time, I am mostly conducting experiments, nothing too extraordinary.

My background in Chemistry felt like a choice that simply fell on me. Certainly, I majored in applied chemistry at university. But I never came to excel in chemistry, particularly not in organic chemistry. During classes in my undergraduate, it was as tough as doing puzzles. Of course, my current specialist is solid-state physics, so I do have some knowledge in material science. But don’t expect that you could be exposed fully to chemistry through my writing. I only wrote about things like our struggle as the prices of helium continue to soar.

I hope that everyone from Souiki-kai (i.e., every graduate from GSFS) would be able to reminisce on something about the Kashiwa campus by reading my column. I have been in Kashiwa, particularly Kashiwa Campus for 7 years now, starting from the fourth year of undergraduate studies, master’s study, PhD study, and now working as an assistant.

As summer approaches, Japanese hare, raccoons, snakes, as well as many arthropods wander around the campus. They have always been here. Thinking back to the time when I was a student studying at the Kashiwa campus, I stayed together with many of my schoolmates till the end of my Master’s, then we all moved on through different paths starting from PhD. I had a lot of fun with my schoolmates during my Master’s. I spent lots of time conducting experiments, played soccer almost every day, and went drinking on Friday nights. Yet life wasn’t as fruitful afterward, partly because of COVID-19. I was worried about not being able to afford to pay the tuition fee, and for my research, I started lagging in producing any results, every day felt as stressful as hell. In fact, during the third year of my PhD, I had alopecia areata, which was about the size of a 500-yen coin. I also suffered from poor digestion. Not sure if it is just something typical when it comes to research in physics, but my brain was constantly working, as my hands move, just to try to generate some results. To complete my degree within the designated time frame, mentally I was breaking down quite badly. Staying in U-Tokyo long enough means that you have encountered tons of people who are more intelligent than you are. How many times have you re-evaluated the significance, your goal, and the contribution of your research to your field? It felt incomplete and has become a painful experience during my time at Kashiwa Campus. Reminiscing about Kashiwa, I hope I could visit me at that time. What about you?

(English translation: Students employed by GSFS On-Campus Job )





Upcoming Issue: Associate Prof. Tanabe Hiroshi, Department of Advanced Energy




Click here for the latest photo what Kashiwanoha looks like↓

Photo Gallery 柏の葉の四季


Click here for the back numbers↓





< Club introduction event report >


An event sponsored by the Student Affairs Department for introducing the club was held online on June 21st (Tuesday).

In addition to the Souiki-kai Student Affairs Department, six clubs, the Kashiwamon Kendo Club, the Kashiwanoha Science Education Lab, the Institute for Solid State Physics Baseball Club, the Kashiwa Bible Discussion Group, and the English Discussion Club, participated and about 30 students gathered.

After appealing the activities of each group, they broke up into breakout rooms, and participants were free to move around each room and look around the club.

Due to the Corona this year, the meeting was smaller than usual.

Also, although it has been held online, I would like to introduce a more exciting face-to-face event next year. (Souiki-kai Student Affairs Department)




1. Related URL


(a) The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus






(c) The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Library



(d) Kashiwa Campus – TX Kashiwanoha Campus Station

Suttle Bus operation time schedule




◆Souiki-kai HP



◆UTokyo Alumni




【From Souiki-kai Secretariat】

(a) If you are an alumni who wants to broadcast the news in this news magazine, please contact the secretariat for details. In that case, please send emails from the address registered in the Souiki-kai mailing list for verification of your identity.

(b) Those who wish to join the Souiki-kai (who were enrolled in GSFS but had not yet joined) should send an email with their name, year of graduation, major, and address to the secretariat for application.


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