■■ 先端エネルギー工学専攻
■■■ 田辺博士准教授




⇐ 2023年8月のコラム    2023年10月のコラム ⇒

The normal summer vacation has returned.

Hello everyone, this is Tanabe from the Department of Advanced Energy. It is already September. With the official lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, I hope you are finally able to enjoy a summer vacation that truly feels like one. For this column, I would like to step away from the usual university-related topics and focus on the theme of summer holiday.

This summer, various places resumed fireworks and summer festivals, giving us the sense of summer, we used to know and love. Everywhere you go, there are crowds of people, people, and more people. But seeing the many smiles due to the long-awaited resumption after several years made it worth it. I couldn’t help but think that the fireworks experts must have gone through a lot during the pandemic… Observing this scene, there was a profound feeling that surpassed the time before COVID. Summer festivals are always hot yet exciting, and during the day, you’re sweating buckets. But as night falls, it somehow becomes cooler. As the last festivals conclude, there is a sudden mood shift, as if summer had ended abruptly. It has been a while since I have felt the distinct change of seasons. Despite still being able to hear from the cicadas, at night, the sounds of autumn insects have begun. Even though I only took about three days off including the Bon Festival, I feel like I was truly able to enjoy a short, yet joyful summer vacation. This year, I can confidently move on to the next season with no regrets.

(Attached is a photo of my hobby, taiko: It is a summer activity at the local community, and I have been doing this for over 30 years. Whilst I could only capture it from the back, but I hope you can feel the atmosphere.)

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