- 終身会費10000円を原資として運営する
- 東京大学校友会に所属して、創域会をより公共性・存在感のある組織にするとともに、校友会のサービスを活用した会員のサービス向上と個人情報の保護を行う
- 研究科の運営、特に学生生活に関わる運営に関して積極的に提言し、実務をサポートする
- 修了生と在学生の有機的な繋がりを構築するために具体的に活動する
- 研究科が目指す国際化をより積極的に推進できるよう、海外からの留学生、帰国した修了生について特別な繋がりが構築可能な仕組みを研究科と共に検討し、研究科の発展に具体的に寄与する
- 学生生活のサポートに資する創域会学生部の活動を研究科とともに資金・その他の面で援助し、学生の自主性に基づいた活動を推進する
What is Souiki-kai
Souiki-kai has done detailed activities under great support from the graduate course since its establishment in 2008. The principles of Souiki-kai, as described in article 1 of our by-laws, means that we aim to interact with graduated students and current students, develop the graduate course, and contribute to society. For achieving this aim, we believe we need to establish situations where we can do activities independently. As a result of discussion by our representative managers, we reached agreement on the necessity of independent revenue sources to embody our activities through subjective plans, and management that has the independence and autonomy of Souiki-kai. We introduced the membership fee system from April 1st, 2007 after revision of the by-laws was approved in our general meeting.
The main activity guidelines of Souiki-kai are as follows:
- We source our operations using a life-time membership fee of 10,000 yen.
- We belong to the U-Tokyo Alumni Association, enabling the Souiki-kai organization to be more public and have greater presence. We can also improve our services and protect personal information by using the services of the U-Tokyo Alumni Association.
- We actively make proposals to the management of the graduate school, especially involving students’ school life and the support of practical operations.
- We work specifically to build organic connections between graduated students and current students.
- We favor a system where we can build a special connection with international students and returning alumni form oversees in order to actively promote the internationalization which the graduate course aims for, and to specifically contribute to the development of the graduate course.
- To contribute to the support of student life, we fund activities of the Souiki-kai student club together with the graduate course. In addition we offer financial support and other types of support to students and promote activities to progress the independence of students.
As of May 2024, the number of formal members is more than 8,000.