創域会 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科

創域会会員 各位


◇  10月のコラム
◇◇   情報理工学系研究科
◇◇◇  長谷川禎彦准教授

コロナが終わってから久しぶりに海外出張に出かけましたが、ここ10年間だけを考えても、海外に行くことが格段に簡単になったと改めて思いました。出国手続きは完全に自動化されており、非常にスムーズに行われるようになりました。また、普段使っているスマートフォンが海外でもそのまま使えるため、迷うシチュエーションもほぼなくなりました。スマートフォンがない時代だと、乗ったバスが本当に目的の行先に行っているのか不安でしたが、今はGoogle Mapを見ればその心配も完全になくなりました。英語以外の国でも、翻訳アプリで意思疎通が比較的簡単にできるようになり、現地の人が何を言っているかわからないということも少なくなりました。支払いも現金をほとんど使わなくてよくなったため、所持金が足りなくなるリスクもなくなりました。今後はAIなどの進化によってさらに海外に行くことが簡単になると思いますが、何か醍醐味も少しずつ失われているようで、以前の不便な海外出張が懐かしくなるような気がします。




11月のリレーコラムは複雑理工学専攻 石田隆講師です。


You can see the photos here ↓

Photo Gallery 柏の葉の四季

リレーコラム バックナンバーはこちらでお読みになれます。

リレーコラム Columns




懇親会 プラザ憩

16:00~17:00 特別講演会
(1)新領域創成科学研究科長 徳永朋祥 教授

(2)クロスプラス株式会社 代表取締役社長 山本大寛様(2001年度 物質系修了)
「新領域への挑戦 〜鉄鋼からアパレル社長への転身〜」

(3)新領域創成科学研究科 先端生命科学専攻 櫻井圭介 特任助教

17:00~17:30 会員総会(活動報告、議事)

ミーティング ID 883 3781 8582
パスコード 533187

17:45~19:00 懇親会(軽食、アルコール、ソフトドリンク)
会費 学生:無料  一般:2,000円





開催日 11月21日(火) zoomによる開催
ミーティング ID: 881 8288 6506
パスコード: 208408

18:45~19:15 マイナビによる就活指南
19:15~19:55 修了生による就活体験
(1)国際協力学専攻修士課程2017年修了 唐実 様
(2)物質系専攻修士課程2020年修了 Qiu Mingwei 様




<2021-23入学同期学年会の開催 について>


2023年10月12日(木) 15:00-15:45 於プラザ憩
東京大学校友会事務局 E-mail: utaa.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp


1.  新領域創成科学研究科からのニュース


(a) 機械学習アルゴリズムが発見した初めての準結晶

(b) 物質系専攻 鬼頭俊介助教が12th SPRUC Young Scientist Awardを受賞

(c) 先端生命科学専攻・統合生命科学分野の博士課程1年 山岸大祐氏がInternational Society of Endocytobiology conference (ISE2023)でPostdoc-Prizeを受賞しました。

(d) 先端生命科学専攻 がん先端生命科学分野の酒井俊輔氏(博士課程)が第12回生命医薬情報学連合大会(IIBMP2023)で優秀口頭発表賞を受賞しました。

(e) 先端生命科学専攻・統合生命科学分野 特任助教 佐藤輝氏が第7回International Plant Dormancy symposiumで ISSS (International Society for Seed Science) prize を受賞しました。

(f) 電子伝導性と製造プロセス性のいいとこ取り!高移動度かつ大面積塗布可能なn型有機半導体を開発

(g) 女子中高生向けイベント「女子大学院生とランチ交流会」10/28(土)開催


(i) 白血病治療薬デシタビンは本当にエピゲノム薬なの??―CRISPRa全ゲノムスクリーニング法によるデシタビンの作用機序解明―


2.  新領域関連URL





Instagram https://www.instagram.com/utokyo_gsfs/
Twitter https://twitter.com/utokyo_gsfs
Twitter https://twitter.com/utokyo_gsfs_en
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UTokyo.gsfs/

◆創域会ホームページ Souiki-kai website



◆UTokyo Alumni


(a) 本ニュースマガジンで、ニュースを流したい同窓生はニュースを書き事務局宛にお送り下さい。
(b) 創域会に入会希望の方(新領域創成科学研究科に在籍していた方でまだ入会されていない人)はメールにて、氏名、修了年、専攻名、住所を明記の上、創域会事務局までお申し込み下さい。



【 Souiki-kai News Magazine English Version is translated by students hired by On-Campus Job project.  】

The Souiki-kai is the alumni association of the University of Tokyo Graduate School of New Interdisciplinary Sciences, with the aim of fostering interactions among graduates and current students. Souiki-kai members who are current students in this research department will also receive the Souiki-kai News Magazine.


We will be holding a Souiki-kai Annual Meeting on October 28th. This year, to celebrate the 15th anniversary of our founding, students are free to attend the social gathering (held at Plaza Ikoi). This is a great opportunity to deepen your interactions with seniors and people from other majors, so please come and join us. Please see the email body for details on the Souiki-kai Annual Gathering.


◇  October Issue
◇◇ Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
◇◇ ◇ Message from Associate Professor Hasegawa Yoshihiko

After the end of the pandemic, I went on an overseas business trip for the first time in a long while. Even when considering just the last ten years, I realized that traveling abroad has become significantly easier. The departure procedures have been completely automated and are now conducted very smoothly. Additionally, my smartphone, which I use regularly, works seamlessly abroad, reducing almost all situations where I would be uncertain.

In a time before smartphones, I used to worry if the bus I got on was really heading to my destination, but now, with Google Maps, that worry has completely disappeared. Even in countries where English is not spoken, communication has become relatively easy thanks to translation apps, and the fear of not understanding what the locals are saying has diminished. The use of cash for payments has also become minimal, eliminating the risk of running out of money.

I believe that in the future, further advancements in AI and technology will make traveling abroad even easier. However, it feels like some of the charm of traveling has gradually been lost, and I find myself nostalgic for the inconvenience of overseas trips in the past.”

Photograph of Dublin Heuston Station



The November Column would be written by Ishida Takashi sensei from the Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences.


You can see the photos of Kashiwanoha here ↓

Photo Gallery 柏の葉の四季

You can read the previous columns here ↓

リレーコラム Columns


Announcement of the 2023
Souiki-kai Conference (15th Anniversary Celebration)

The 2023 Souiki-kai Conference for this fiscal year will be held as follows. This year’s Souiki-kai marks its 15th anniversary since its establishment. In commemoration of this milestone, we are pleased to invite prominent graduates actively engaged in society and promising faculty members from our graduate school to a special lecture.

Furthermore, the event will take place during the Kashiwa Open Campus Event. We cordially invite you to visit the Kashiwa Campus, explore the campus and research labs not usually accessible, and finally join us at the Souiki-kai Conference.
As this event will be a hybrid format, you can also participate online.
Additionally, the social gathering at Plaza Ikoi, starting at 17:45, is free of charge for students. Please join us after coordinating with your lab or colleagues. We look forward to welcoming a large number of participants.


Date and Time: October 28, 2023 (Saturday) from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Location: Special Lecture, General Meeting (Library Media Hall and Online)
Social Gathering: Plaza Ikoi

<Event Overview:>
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Special Lecture

(1) Prof. TOKUNAGA Tomochika, Dean of the Graduate School of Frontier Sciences

(2) Mr. Hiroshi Yamamoto, President and CEO of Cross Plus Co., Ltd. (Graduated in 2001 from the Department of Advanced Materials Science)
Topic: “Venturing into New Horizons – Transitioning from Steel to Apparel”
* Cross Plus Co., Ltd. is an apparel manufacturer that specializes in ladies’ clothing, designing and producing 50 million pieces annually. In recent years, they have expanded into lifestyle products such as fashion masks and merchandise related to popular activities.

(3) Mr. Keisuke Sakurai, Special Appointed Assistant Professor in the Advanced Life Sciences Major, School of New Interdisciplinary Sciences
Topic: “Aging Design: Empowering the Elderly to Achieve Health Independence”
As an aging society progresses, there is a growing need for initiatives that allow seniors to proactively maintain and enhance their health in line with their individual lifestyles and environments.

5:00 PM – 5:30 PM: General Meeting (Activity Reports, Discussions)
(For those participating online, please use the following URL):
Meeting ID: 883 3781 8582
Passcode: 533187

5:45 PM – 7:00 PM: Social Gathering (Light Refreshments, Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Beverages)
Participation Fee: Students (Free), General (¥2,000)
* No advance registration is required.

We look forward to meeting all the members.


November 21 : Career Path Seminar
for International Students

We will hold a career path seminar for international students who are considering job hunting in Japan.
Would you like to hear from seniors who got a job at a Japanese company after graduating from GSFS?
A Mynavi instructor will also provide you with the latest information. Take this opportunity to get tips for job hunting.

The 17th Career path seminaer  on zoom
meeting ID: 881 8288 6506
paasscode: 208408

18:45~19:15 Job hunting guidance by Mynavi
19:15-19:55 Job hunting experience by graduates
(1) Mr. Karami, Master’s program in International Cooperation Studies, completed in 2017
(2) Mr. Qiu Mingwei, master’s course in materials science, completed in 2020

As soon as details are decided, we will inform you via email, news magazine, Sokyokai website, etc.




Announcement of the 2021-23 Matriculations Gathering

The University of Tokyo Alumni Association (UTAA), the university-wide alumni organization of the University of Tokyo, supports the formation of yearly gatherings for members who joined UTAA as individual members upon enrollment. As part of this initiative, we will hold cohort-year gatherings for students at the Kashiwa Campus who enrolled in 2021, 2022, and 2023 (standing reception with prizes). Students from research departments other than the School of New Interdisciplinary Sciences are also welcome. Please feel free to join us.

Date and Time:
October 12, 2023 (Thursday) from 3:00 PM to 3:45 PM at Plaza Ikoi
(Please present your student ID at the reception and wear your name tag.)
On-the-spot participation on the day of the event is also acceptable.
University of Tokyo Alumni Association Office Email: utaa.adm@gs.mail.u-tokyo.ac.jp


1. News from GSFS

(a)  First Quasicrystal Discovered by Machine Learning Algorithm

(b) Assistant Professor Kitou Shunsuke from the Advanced Material Science Department got awarded the 12th SPRUC Young Scientist Award

(c) Department of Integrated Biosciences PhD 1st year Daisuke Yamagishi got awarded the Postdoc-Prize at the International Society of Endocytobiology conference (ISE2023)

(d) Shunsuke Sakai (Ph.D. candidate) in the Advanced Life Sciences subfield of Cancer has been awarded the Excellent Oral Presentation Award at the 12th Life Medical Informatics Union Conference (IIBMP2023).”

(e) Special Appointed Assistant Professor Teru Sato of the Department of Integrated Biosciences got awarded the ISSS (International Society for Seed Science) prize at the International Plant Dormancy symposium

(f) Combining the Best of Electronic Conductivity and Manufacturing Process: Developing High-Mobility and Large-Area Coatable n-Type Organic Semiconductors

(g) Junior and Senior High School Girls Event: ‘Lunch Exchange with Female Graduate Students’ Scheduled for October 28th (Saturday)

(h) “Event for Junior and Senior High School Girls: ‘Let’s Peek into the Future!’ Scheduled for October 28th (Saturday)”
(Wrong link here?)

(i) Is the leukemia treatment drug Decitabine truly an epigenetic drug? – Deciphering the Mechanism of Action of Decitabine through CRISPRa Whole-Genome Screening Method ―

2. Related URL
The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Campus
The University of Tokyo Kashiwa Library
Kashiwa Campus – TX Kashiwanoha Campus Station
Suttle Bus operation time schedule 2017/04/01~2022/03/31
Social Media of Graduate School of Frontier Sciences
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/utokyo_gsfs/
Twitter https://twitter.com/utokyo_gsfs
Twitter https://twitter.com/utokyo_gsfs_en
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/UTokyo.gsfs/

◆Souiki-kai HP


◆UTokyo Alumni

【From Souiki-kai Secretariat】
(a)   If you are an alumni who wants to broadcast the news in this news magazine, please contact the secretariat for details. In that case, please sending emails from the address registered in the Souiki-kai mailing list for verification of your identity.
(b)   Those who wish to join the Souiki-kai (who were enrolled in GSFS but had not yet joined) should send an email with their name, year of graduation, major, and address to the secretariat for application.


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