創域会 東京大学大学院新領域創成科学研究科

創域会 修了生と在校生の交流活動支援制度

Financial support program for exchange activities of Souiki-kai members


In October 2020, Souiki-kai launched 「Financial support program for joint activities between graduates and current students」.  Please make sure that you understand the purpose of the program and the rules before applying.  The results of the selection (approved or declined) will be notified within 2 weeks of the deadline at the end of each month.  You can download the application form from this page. 

1. 目的

2. 支援内容

3. 被支援者の責務


4. 申請方法

5. 申請期限

6. 申請先及び問い合わせ先
創域会事務局 / souiki-jimu@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp

7. 選考結果

8. その他

9. 参考


交流活動支援制度 申請様式

1.Purpose of this program
This financial support program was established by Souiki-kai to support exchange activities for GSFS graduates and current GSFS students, intending to encourage the exchange and fellowship between graduates and current students. Groups containing only graduates or only current students are also applicable.

2. Contents of support
Financial support is provided to help cover costs of starting up or continuing meaningful activities conducted by a group of GSFS graduates and current students. Up to 100,000 yen is available for one group per year. 

3. Responsibilities of supported group
(1)Treasurer’s report :
 Free format.  Receipts showing the details must be attached.
(2)Activity report :
 ・Photographs taken during the activity such as group photo. 
 ・Brief description of the activity written in English and, if possible, Japanese version.
 ・A representative for the activity should also make a report of the activity in person at the Souiki-kai annual meeting (generally held on the 4th Saturday of October) and the report will also be posted on Souiki-kai website.
(3)List of participants :
 The list won’t be published

4. How to apply
Email the application to souiki-jimu@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
(Application is downloadable from the Souiki-kai website http://souiki-kai.net)

5. Application deadline
End of each month.

6. Where to apply / contact
Souiki-kai office souiki-jimu@edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp

7. Selection result
Results (approved/declined) will be decided within 2 weeks after the deadline for each month and sent by email to the representative of the group.

8. Others
・Selection will be made by the Representative Directors of Souiki-kai.
・The representative of the applicant group should be a paid-in member of Souiki-kai.
・Support for each group is limited to one activity per academic year (beginning on April 1st).
・If the activity is not carried out, the support fund should be returned. In the case that the total actual expenditure is less than the amount of support, the difference should be returned to Souiki-kai.

9. Reference examples of activities to be supported
・ Sports events : Acceptable costs include venue rental fees and costs for a social gathering after such an event.
・Presentation, lecture or discussion led by a GSFS graduate. Acceptable costs include venue rental fees, transportation fees of the graduate as well as cost for a social gathering after the event.
・Activity expenses of a Kashiwa campus-based circle whose members include graduates and current GSFS students. 

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