■■ 環境システム学専攻
■■■ LIU JIAQI 助教 

Artificial intelligence (AI) like ChatGPT has been a trending topic these days. In this blog, I’d like to share an interesting field of AI: AI art. Known as generative art, it combines the power of machine learning algorithms with the creativity of human artists to produce stunning and unique works of art. Some of the most exciting AI art pieces are created by training machine learning algorithms on large datasets of images, such as paintings or photographs. These algorithms can generate new images that are inspired by the original dataset but are entirely unique. Other approaches involve using algorithms to manipulate existing images or videos in real-time, creating interactive and dynamic works of art. For example, see below the figure created by Midjourney that turns text-based prompts into images. One of the benefits of AI art is the ability to generate large volumes of unique and varied images quickly and easily. This is especially useful for artists who need to create a large number of images for a project or exhibition. Additionally, AI art allows artists to explore new styles and techniques that they may not have considered using traditional methods. However, some critics argue that AI art may lack the emotional depth and authenticity of traditional art forms, as it is created using algorithms rather than the human experience. Additionally, some are concerned about the role of AI in the creative process and the potential for technology to replace human artists. As we continue to integrate technology into our lives, it is important to consider the impact of these advancements on our creativity and expression. Despite these concerns, AI art is an exciting and rapidly growing field that is pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the world of art. From stunning generative art pieces to interactive installations, AI art offers a new way of creating and experiencing art that is both innovative and thought-provoking. The emergence of AI art is a fascinating and relevant topic that is worth exploring. Whether for your research, work, or daily life, AI tools may offer a new world of possibilities to explore and enjoy.

An AI-generated image showing a university campus floating in the sky. Created by Midjourney (www.midjourney.com).

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